Outdoor Hanging DIY Craft Decors

by | Aug 6, 2023 | Home Decor, Home Improvement | 0 comments

Find some lovely DIY hanging decor ideas that are super simple to create, inexpensive and yet, magical.

Garden Lanterns 

Various styles of DIY garden lanterns can be made using mason jars, glass bottles, tin cans that will add charm to the garden decor. 

Mason jar Lanterns: Attach a string around the neck of the Mason jar and place it somewhere in the garden to create the DIY garden art. Place the candle inside the container and light it up at night to bring beauty and fragrance to your yard.

Tin Can Lanterns: Create a few holes on the tin can, place a torch inside, and hang a can around the garden to light the garden at night. 

Bottle Lanterns: Cut the top end of the bottle and use the floral wire to hold the bottle to the decorative tree. Alternatively, cut the bottom end of the bottle and, using the chain, hang the candle glass inside from the tip of the bottle to make a piece of DIY in your garden. 

Sun Catchers

First, clear lids or paper plates to make the sun catch simple. You can also use glue and tissue paper to make Simple Sun Catch. 

CD Sun Catchers: Use the old CD to make the simplest DIY sun catchers. Paint a CD in various colors and put it on the shelf. 

Beaded Sun Catchers: Use beads and the cookie cutter. Melt them in the oven or barbecue outside. Drill the hole to put it out in the yard. Create several shapes and hang them for a beautiful DIY craft.

Glass Gems Sun Catchers: Glue the glass gems or stones together, sue translucent adhesive in the desired form, and hang them in your garden for an enchanting sun catcher. 

Wind Chimes 

Different styles of wind chimes may be produced using pins, ribbons, old buttons, glass bottles, or even colored paper. The wind chimes are a trendy way to bring sound to the yard! 

Beaded Wind Chimes: Create a string of beads and attach it straight on a twig to create an easy hanging DIY decoration. Kids are going to love string beads and support you with this design! 

Sea Shell Chimes: Build a small wind chimney utilizing the shells of the fish that are gathered and enjoyed on the shore of the island. Color the shells incorporate several beads to make them bright.

Bottle Wind Chimes : String some bottles of jute rope onto the ring of the circle and keep it, give the shine in the daytime, and put some candle inside the bottle to be illuminated in the nighttime. 

Bottle Cap Wind Chimes: You can also use the bottle caps to create another fun DIY art. 

Spoons Wind Chimes: Old spoons and forks can also be transformed into beautiful wind chimes. Enhance the look by inserting the painted keys to make it even more fun, no-cost DIY art.